Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Even Day!

Tomorrow we will celebrate "Even Day!"
The children have shown excitement as they shared how they plan to represent even numbers with the clothing they will wear to school tomorrow.
Perhaps your child will help in packing an "Even Day" lunch?

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Poppy Map

The children worked together to create a map of the important places in the story, Poppy. They collaborated to plan, create, and map these story elements.

Save The Date

L-5 will be having a Solstice Celebration on Wednesday,December 16th after school. More information regarding time, etc. will follow!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Tableau is French for “living picture.” The term describes a group of actors or models that carefully position themselves in a theatrical scene. After listening to the Chinese fairy tale, Mei-Ling and the Dragon the children were assigned a scene from the story. They worked in groups to develop and perform a tableau. While in their statuesque positions, the audience asked questions to determine the scene and characters being illustrated.

Study the photos with your children. See if they can re-tell the story using the tableau scenes!

Friday, November 6, 2009


I will be in at 8:30 today. Kim will cover the morning meeting.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


I will be absent tomorrow, Wednesday, November 4th due to an illness. I'm sorry that I will miss the day.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


The students enjoyed this poem by Douglas Florian. Have your child show you his or her...stare, glare, gaze, or gawk!

The Hawk
By Douglas Florian

I stare
I glare
I gaze
I gawk
With keen mean eyes, I am the hawk.
All day I pray for prey to view.
Be thankful if I don't see YOU!