Sunday, August 29, 2010

Baby Pumpkin!

In November, L-5 planted pumpkin seeds and watched our classroom pumpkin plant grow and grow. This spring, the pumpkin plant was transplanted in the Foote School Community Garden. Happy in its new home...we have a baby pumpkin!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Learning About The Rainforest

Margy DeVane from the Conservatory at Edgerton Park explained why rainforest plants do not lose their foliage like plants in the Northeast. She pointed out the canopy, understory, and forest floor of the lush rainforest inside the greenhouse! The children seemed most excited to see the cocoa plant and banana tree! 

The Bronx Zoo

The Mixed-Age Group trip to the Bronx Zoo was the perfect way to wrap up our African animal studies! More photos to come!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Clear Water Presentation

Our special guest, Beth Segaloff visited the Mixed Age Group to share information about the importance of clean water. She showed the children containers used to transport water in African countries. She described the time and work necessary for villagers to obtain clean water in these countries. The children shared their feelings of how fortunate they are to have clean water so readily available. After a brainstorming session, the students worked in groups to create posters to remind our community of all the ways we use water!

"Flick It" Measurement Activity

How Big Is A Foot?

As an introduction to our Unit on Measurement, the class enjoyed listening to the story, How Big Is A Foot? by Rolf Myller. The story is about a King who wants to give the Queen something special for her birthday. The Queen has everything, everything except a bed. The trouble is that no one in the Kingdom knows the answer to the question: HOW BIG IS A BED? because beds at the time had not yet been invented. The Queen's birthday is only a few days away. How can they figure out what size the bed should be? 
Ask your children if they can explain the solution to this problem! Be sure to ask why the Apprentice was sent to jail!

Free Choice: Building