Friday, October 30, 2009

Wind Over Wings

Wind Over Wings visited with 4 of their birds of prey: a Red-tailed hawk, Saw-whet owl, Peregrine falcon, and a Great-horned owl. As your child what fascinated him or her about the presentation!

Bird Study

Patty Brennan shared her time and vast knowledge of birds with L-5. The children were captivated as she talked about the cowbird and how the female will drop its eggs in another bird's nest. The class studied the difference between a flying bird's feather and a non-flying bird's feather. They enjoyed seeing a variety of bird's nests and learning about their architecture. Students got to hold an ostrich and emu egg. They learned that they have microscopic holes in them that allow the growing baby to get oxygen. We looked at part of the shell under a microscope! Holding and inspecting a variety of bird specimens from the Peabody Museum gave the children opportunities to study the physical characteristics up close. Patty's presentation inspired the children to ask so many curious questions! She was kind enough to return so that everyone's questions were answered.

How Many Pumpkin Seeds?

The children estimated how many seeds in a small, medium, and large pumpkin. The class discussed their math reasoning for their estimates. Many students predicted the larger pumpkin would have the most seeds, and several students thought that the smaller pumpkin had the most.
The class worked together to scoop, group, and count the seeds in each pumpkin.
Ask your child what surprised him or her about the results from our pumpkin activity!
(Thank you Susie Metrick for donating the pumpkins and for helping with this Math activity.)

Number Bonds

First Graders are practicing their math facts through 5 using Number Bond bracelets. The student-made bracelets containing 5 beads are the manipulatives used to help children think flexibly about their facts up to 5. They have learned, "2 goes with 3 to make 5 and the turn-around is, 3 goes with 2 to make 5." The children then write corresponding number sentences.

Second Graders are reviewing the Number Bonds through 10.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Paper Collection

We can use your scraps of paper! The Mixed-Age Group will be working on a special art project and we would like to reuse your paper of all shapes and sizes. We will be collecting construction paper, tissue paper, stationary, wrapping paper, brown grocery bags, catalogs, magazines, and used gift bags through the month of November. So before you throw away, please think of us! Thank you, Melissa

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Halloween Fair and Parade Information

October 26, 2009

Dear Families,

The Halloween parade and fair will take place next Friday, October 30. Because this is a special day, our schedule is different. Please read this note carefully and share it with any adult who will be supervising your child on the day of the parade.

· All children should be picked up at the classroom at 12:30. There is no after school program on the day of the parade.

· Children should eat lunch and change into costumes after they are picked up at school. Please do not send the costume to school in the morning.

· Plan to return to the classroom at 1:45. Your child should be fully dressed in his/her costume and ready for the parade. Keep in mind that traffic and parking can be challenging on this day. Leave extra time for parking so that your child does not miss the parade. We will leave the classroom promptly at 1:55. You will drop your child off at the classroom and assemble with other parents at the upper school field for the parade.

· We will parade around the field two times. Following the parade, you should pick up your child at the classroom. Please do not take your child from our group until we have returned to the classroom. Please make sure that your child shakes hands with a teacher so that we know your child is leaving. When the parade is over, your child will return to your care and stay in your care for the remainder of the day.

Some other helpful notes:

· Your child’s costume should not include any weapons or any item that needs to be carried in their hands.

· The haunted house can be very scary and may not be suited for all MAG students.

We hope that this information helps you to plan for and enjoy this traditional day at Foote School. If your child expresses any concerns about the day or if you have any questions, please feel free to let us know.

Betty, Melissa, and Kim

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Force and Motion

We used the picture book, Sheep in a Jeep by Nancy Shaw to introduce our unit on force and motion. Later, the children were given a toy jeep and a variety of materials from which to explore this concept with.

Using an inquiry-based model, the children formulated their own questions from their exploration, and answered their question through hands-on experimentation. 

They applied their knowledge of "what makes a good experiment?" The answer...Using one variable or having only one change!

Our scientists ran trial tests to answer questions about how a toy jeep moves when a variable is changed. Some groups experimented with changing the ramp height others experimented with changing the floor surface material to bubble wrap or smooth plastic. 

They carefully measured distance using unifix cubes.

Next, observations were recorded as the children reflected on the results of their experiments. They shared their thoughts about how different variables can change the motion of an object!

Math Manipulative Exploration

In September, the children had opportunities to explore with a variety of math manipulatives that they will be using throughout the school year. They worked with unifix cubes, snap cubes, rods, geoboards, and pattern blocks. You might ask your child which math manipulatives they enjoyed the most.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Winter Garden

This is what our plot looked like before the L-5 gardeners began weeding!
A classmate's Dad, known as Tom Tomorrow visited our class for a special reading of his recently published childrens' book, The Very Silly Mayor.

The children asked curious questions about the job of an author and illustrator.
The class enjoyed the book so much that they began suggesting very silly ideas for a sequel!

And even more silly ideas!

The Very Silly Mayor was such a hit with the children, that Nicholas' dad will be returning for another reading to the entire Mixed Age Group this Friday, October 23rd!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Grandparents and Special Friends Day!

The children practiced their interviewing skills and enjoyed learning new things about their special guests! One question asked was, "What was your favorite book when you were my age?"

Here are some favorites!
Hardy Boys series
The Little Engine That Could
Riki Tiki Tavi
Where the Wild Things Are

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Grandparents' and Special Friends' Day!

Friday is Grandparents' and Special Friends' Day. The children are always happy to share their special guest(s) with classmates who won't be having a visitor come, and our guests are always thrilled to meet new friends, too! Some of the activities that we have planned are:
Creating a Friendship Poem, Interviewing a grandparent or special friend, Math games, and a Tangram activity!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Winter Garden

The L-5 Winter Garden is taking shape! With the help of Bernard Brennan (a classmate's Dad), our gardeners have weeded and composted the soil. Tomorrow we plan to plant garlic and spinach, weather permitting. 

Welcome to Foote L-5!

L-5 is finally online! Check here soon to see what is happening in our classroom.