Thursday, October 22, 2009

Force and Motion

We used the picture book, Sheep in a Jeep by Nancy Shaw to introduce our unit on force and motion. Later, the children were given a toy jeep and a variety of materials from which to explore this concept with.

Using an inquiry-based model, the children formulated their own questions from their exploration, and answered their question through hands-on experimentation. 

They applied their knowledge of "what makes a good experiment?" The answer...Using one variable or having only one change!

Our scientists ran trial tests to answer questions about how a toy jeep moves when a variable is changed. Some groups experimented with changing the ramp height others experimented with changing the floor surface material to bubble wrap or smooth plastic. 

They carefully measured distance using unifix cubes.

Next, observations were recorded as the children reflected on the results of their experiments. They shared their thoughts about how different variables can change the motion of an object!

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